James H Jenks - gravestone carver

James H Jenks (1832 - 1915) was born in Providence, R I. He operated a marble cutting shop in West Dennis in the 1860's supplying gravestones to the mid-Cape area.

Markers XIX (2002) and Markers XX (2003) published by the Association for Gravestone Studies contain extensive articles by author and gravestone researcher James Blachowicz concerning several 19th century marble gravestone carvers located on Cape Cod. These articles include James Jenks. Many of these 19th century marble gravestone carvers including Jenks were influenced by carver William Sturgis.

Follow the link below to carver William Sturgis for photographs of 19th century marble gravestones in the style of Sturgis and the stone carvers he influenced.

William Sturgis - gravestone carver
Cemetery list
Gravestone Carver list